Tuesday, September 13, 2011

4th Of July

This year my family decided to run the 5k freedom run
we made it in alright time and felt better for doing it.
then we walked down to watch the parade with Derrick's
family both kids liked that and Bryce loved these tractors.

Thanksgiving Point

We went with my friend Christina and Brooklyn to
Thanksgiving Point to the petting Zoo. Bryce and Amy did
well and had tons of fun. Bryce loved riding the ponies.

Amy growing, Bryce playing


We colored eggs at my sisters.
Bryce enjoyed throwing the eggs in the color
then he drank some of the water too.
We did an Easter hunt in the morning.
Bryce was more concerned with eating candy then
finding eggs but we still got him to find them.

Bath Time

Since having two kids bath time has gotten a little
interesting. I don't have Derrick at nights so I usually
let Bryce play while I get Amy washed and dressed and
then I leave her on our bed while I get Bryce washed. One kid
is usually crying and its exauhsting but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

You got EGGED!!!

A neighbor decided to "egg" my parents house.
Bryce had a great time cleaning up.

I love to see little things like this
I caught Amy sleeping this way one
afternoon and had to take a picture.

Amy's Blessing

Amy was blessed on March 29, 2011
She was really good and it was a great day with all our
family and friends around us to support us.